Breaking the Chains of Control: How to Escape a Narcissistic Relationship boundaries happier marriage happy marriage narcissism narcissist self-care

Breaking Free From A Narcissist: Tips to Reclaim Your Life

Breaking free from a narcissist is one of the toughest challenges you can face in a relationship. A narcissist can be manipulative, controlling, and toxic, making it difficult for you to leave the relationship. However, with the right...

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How to Stay Married to a Narcissist, Stay Sane, and Find Joy happier marriage happy marriage narcissism narcissistic marriage self-care

Coping Strategies for Living with a Narcissist

Living with a narcissist can feel like walking on eggshells all the time.

It's challenging, and it can be tough to keep your spirits up. But there are ways to cope with a narcissistic partner, and even find happiness in the middle of a hard...

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5 Steps To Build Emotional Intimacy and Have a Happier Marriage This Year disconnected emotional intelligence happier marriage happy marriage intimacy

Emotional intimacy can be challenging to achieve especially as the years go by! Wouldn't you agree?

Marriage requires effort to maintain its strength and meaning but the rewards for your efforts are immeasurable.

If you're feeling disconnected from your partner, it's time to take action.


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The Secret to a Fulfilling and Happy Marriage: How to Maintain Your Identity balanced life in marriage fulfilling marriage happier marriage happy marriage

Are you feeling like you've lost or are losing your individuality in your marriage?

You're not alone.

Many couples struggle with maintaining their own identity while being in a committed relationship.

But here's the thing: just because you're married, it doesn't mean you have to lose yourself....

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Shocking Truth: Husbands Have Feelings Too - Learn How to Understand and Support Your Husband emotional intellingence happier marriage happy marriage men have feelings too

Does it ever feel like your husband is emotionally disconnected from you?

That he's not there for you when needed the most?

You're certainly not alone.

Many wives share similar experiences and believe that their husbands cannot show any emotion or understanding towards them, but in reality, this...

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Unlocking the Secret to a Happy Marriage: The Importance of Embracing Your Differences happier marriage happy marriage mixed couple personality differences

Marriage is like a wild rollercoaster ride,

it's full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and beautiful moments that take your breath away.

It can be easy to get lost in trying to please your partner or changing yourself to fit their mold, but what if embracing those differences and quirks that...

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Marriage and the Art of Self-Care happier marriage happy marriage self-care types of self-care

Experiencing a happier marriage can be a tricky balance. Wouldn’t you agree?

On one hand, you have your partner and your commitment to each other, and on the other hand, you have yourself and your own needs. 

How do you navigate this balance and make sure that both you and your partner...

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Why Prioritizing Self-Care is Key to a Happier Marriage boundaries happier marriage happy marriage self-care strong marriage

Marriage is indeed the blending of two lives together as one. It is unique in many ways and there truly is no other institution like this one for more reasons than one with the main one being that God Himself instituted it. 

However, for your marriage to truly last and for you to experience...

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Happier Marriage Secrets
5 Proven Ways to Get Your Spouse to Talk and listen to you [PODCAST EP 28]
5 Proven Ways to Get Your Spouse to Talk and listen to you [PODCAST EP 28] active listening empathic communication happier marriage happy marriage

Are you tired of feeling like you're talking to a brick wall when you try to communicate with your spouse?

Communication is the foundation of any healthy marriage, but it can be tough to get it right.

In this episode, we've got five actionable tips for improving communication with your partner.


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