Happier Marriage Secrets
Five Strategies To Rescue Your Marriage Starting Today with Kingsley Grant [PODCAST Ep. 23]
Five Strategies To Rescue Your Marriage Starting Today with Kingsley Grant [PODCAST Ep. 23] empathic communication happier marriage marriage revival struggling marriage

Rescue Your Marriage Now!

I know you are familiar with the acronym "ASAP," which means As soon as possible. When someone suggests you do something ASAP, you tend to feel pressured and the need to respond almost right away. Right?

It's the same as marriage, and we cannot deny that sometimes there's...

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Happier Marriage Secrets
5 Proven Ways to Get Your Spouse to Talk and listen to you [PODCAST EP 28]
5 Proven Ways to Get Your Spouse to Talk and listen to you [PODCAST EP 28] active listening empathic communication happier marriage happy marriage

Are you tired of feeling like you're talking to a brick wall when you try to communicate with your spouse?

Communication is the foundation of any healthy marriage, but it can be tough to get it right.

In this episode, we've got five actionable tips for improving communication with your partner.


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5 Better Ways to Talk and Listen to Your Spouse and Have A Happier Marriage active listening effective communication empathic communication happier marriage

Are you looking to improve your communication with your spouse and create a happier marriage? Effective communication is crucial in any successful relationship, and it's especially important in marriage. 

When you and your spouse are able to talk and listen to each other effectively, it can...

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How to Actually Foster Greater Understanding and Harmony in Your Marriage compromise empathic communication feeling heard happier marriage peace in marriage

As a relationship coach and communication expert, I know firsthand the power of empathic communication in building a strong, lasting, and happy marriage. It's not just about what you say, but also how you say it. And when it comes to empathy – the ability to understand and share the...

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How to Shift Your Relationship from Mom-Mode to Lover-Mode boundaries conflict control empathic communication happier marriage micro-management

Tired of Being Treated Like a Child?

Let's face it, no one likes to be told what to do. Whether by an authority figure or a romantic partner, feeling controlled can be incredibly frustrating. 

This is especially true when those two roles are combined—when your spouse starts acting like...

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Empathic Communication: The Key To A Happier Marriage In The 21st Century active listening effective communication empathic communication empathy feelings happier marriage

Effective communication is essential for any successful relationship, and this is especially true for having happier marriages. In the 21st century, one of the most effective communication skills to have in your marriage is empathic communication.

But why is empathic communication so important...

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5 Common Problems That Hinder Having A Happier Marriage boundaries effective communication empathic communication forgiveness happier marriage resentment

A happier marriage is not always easy to achieve. There are many common problems that can hinder couples from having the relationship they desire. However, these problems are not insurmountable and can be overcome with effort and determination.

The key is to recognize and address these issues...

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